極輕微受損>>NT$: 6,000 ~ 10,000
Logical Damage
‧硬碟容量有誤 BIOS Detect Wrong Capacity
‧誤刪除極少數檔案 Delete Few Files
‧誤覆蓋極少量資料區 Overwrite Few Data Areas
‧極輕微的 Windows FAT, NTFS, Mac OS HFS, Linuxext2、3、4、XFS…File System Crash
‧中毒 Virus
Physical Damage
‧硬碟容量有誤 BIOS Detect Wrong Capacity
輕度受損>>NT$: 10,000 ~ 20,000
Logical Damage
‧輕度誤刪除檔案 Delete files
‧誤刪除多個分割區 Delete Partition Tables
‧誤作 Partition Magic
‧輕度誤格式化 Format
‧輕度誤覆蓋資料區 Overwrite Data Area
‧輕度誤 Ghost
‧輕度誤作系統還原, 導致覆蓋資料
‧輕度不明原因遺失資料 Lost Data
‧輕度 Windows FAT, NTFS, Mac OS HFS, Linux ext2,3,4,XFS…檔案系統損毀 (Partition Table,File Allocation Table, Master File Table, Super Blocks, LVM Logical Volume, Root, Data Area Structures…Crash)
‧SQL mdf 受損
‧VMWare Image File Crash
Physical Damage
‧硬碟輕度故障 (BIOS Can't Detect Hard Disk)
‧輕度硬碟異聲 (Hard Disk Noise)
‧磁片輕微磨損 (Media Defect Error)
‧輕度硬碟鎖死 HDD Lock
‧硬碟控制電路系統輕度故障 PCBA Component Damage, Host Adapter Connection Failure
‧輕度硬碟馬達不轉 Spindle Motor Not Start
‧輕度硬碟無法讀寫 Read / Write Heads Crash
‧硬碟磁片伺服訊號輕度受損 Servo Pattern Damage
‧硬碟控制韌體輕度受損 Firmware Problem
‧硬碟容量有誤 BIOS Detect Wrong Capacity
‧硬碟安全保護系統輕度受損 Security System Error
中度受損>>NT$: 20,000 ~ 30,000
Logical Damage
‧中度誤刪除資料 Delete Data Area
‧中度誤作 Partition Magic
‧中度誤 Format 數個 Partition
‧中度誤覆蓋資料區 Overwrite Data Area
‧中度誤 Ghost
‧中度不明原因遺失資料 Lost Data
‧中度 Windows FAT, NTFS, Mac OS HFS, Linuxext2,3,4,XFS…檔案系統損毀 (Partition Table,File Allocation Table, Master File Table, Super Blocks, LVM Logical Volume, Root, Data Area Structures…Crash)
‧SQL mdf 中度受損
‧VMWare Image File Crash
Physical Damage
‧硬碟摔到 Hard Disk Crash
‧中度硬碟故障 BIOS Can't Detect Hard Disk
‧中度硬碟異聲 Hard Disk Noise
‧中度磁片磨損 Media Defect Error
‧中度硬碟鎖死 HDD Lock
‧硬碟控制電路系統中度故障 PCBA Component Damage、Host Adapter Connection Failure
‧中度硬碟馬達不轉 Spindle Motor Not Start
‧中度硬碟無法讀寫 Read / Write Heads Crash
嚴重受損>>NT$: 30,000 ~ 40,000 多
Logical Damage
‧誤刪除大量資料 Delete Big Volumes Data
‧誤覆蓋大量資料區 Overwrite Big Volumes Data Area
‧不明原因遺失大量資料 Lost Volumes Of Data
‧Windows FAT, NTFS, Mac OS HFS, Linux ext2,3,4,XFS…檔案系統損毀 (Partition Table,File Allocation Table, Master File Table, Super Blocks, LVM Logical Volume, Root, Data Area Structures…Crash)
‧SQL mdf 重度受損
‧VMWare Image File Crash
‧硬碟磁片伺服訊號中度受損 Servo Pattern Damage
‧硬碟控制韌體中度受損 Firmware Problem
‧硬碟安全保護系統中度受損 Security System Error
Physical Damage
‧硬碟嚴重摔到 Hard Disk Crash
‧硬碟嚴重異聲 Hard Disk Noise
‧磁片嚴重磨損 Media Defect Error
‧硬碟嚴重鎖死 Hard Disk Lock
‧硬碟控制電路系統嚴重故障 PCBA Component Damage、Host Adapter Connection Failure
‧硬碟馬達嚴重卡死 Spindle Motor Not Start
‧硬碟磁片伺服訊號嚴重磨損 Servo Pattern Damage
‧硬碟控制韌體嚴重受損 Firmware Problem
‧硬碟安全防護嚴重損毀 Security System Error
Logical Damage
‧硬碟容量有誤 BIOS Detect Wrong Capacity
‧誤刪除極少數檔案 Delete Few Files
‧誤覆蓋極少量資料區 Overwrite Few Data Areas
‧極輕微的 Windows FAT, NTFS, Mac OS HFS, Linuxext2、3、4、XFS…File System Crash
‧中毒 Virus
Physical Damage
‧硬碟容量有誤 BIOS Detect Wrong Capacity
輕度受損>>NT$: 10,000 ~ 20,000
Logical Damage
‧輕度誤刪除檔案 Delete files
‧誤刪除多個分割區 Delete Partition Tables
‧誤作 Partition Magic
‧輕度誤格式化 Format
‧輕度誤覆蓋資料區 Overwrite Data Area
‧輕度誤 Ghost
‧輕度誤作系統還原, 導致覆蓋資料
‧輕度不明原因遺失資料 Lost Data
‧輕度 Windows FAT, NTFS, Mac OS HFS, Linux ext2,3,4,XFS…檔案系統損毀 (Partition Table,File Allocation Table, Master File Table, Super Blocks, LVM Logical Volume, Root, Data Area Structures…Crash)
‧SQL mdf 受損
‧VMWare Image File Crash
Physical Damage
‧硬碟輕度故障 (BIOS Can't Detect Hard Disk)
‧輕度硬碟異聲 (Hard Disk Noise)
‧磁片輕微磨損 (Media Defect Error)
‧輕度硬碟鎖死 HDD Lock
‧硬碟控制電路系統輕度故障 PCBA Component Damage, Host Adapter Connection Failure
‧輕度硬碟馬達不轉 Spindle Motor Not Start
‧輕度硬碟無法讀寫 Read / Write Heads Crash
‧硬碟磁片伺服訊號輕度受損 Servo Pattern Damage
‧硬碟控制韌體輕度受損 Firmware Problem
‧硬碟容量有誤 BIOS Detect Wrong Capacity
‧硬碟安全保護系統輕度受損 Security System Error
中度受損>>NT$: 20,000 ~ 30,000
Logical Damage
‧中度誤刪除資料 Delete Data Area
‧中度誤作 Partition Magic
‧中度誤 Format 數個 Partition
‧中度誤覆蓋資料區 Overwrite Data Area
‧中度誤 Ghost
‧中度不明原因遺失資料 Lost Data
‧中度 Windows FAT, NTFS, Mac OS HFS, Linuxext2,3,4,XFS…檔案系統損毀 (Partition Table,File Allocation Table, Master File Table, Super Blocks, LVM Logical Volume, Root, Data Area Structures…Crash)
‧SQL mdf 中度受損
‧VMWare Image File Crash
Physical Damage
‧硬碟摔到 Hard Disk Crash
‧中度硬碟故障 BIOS Can't Detect Hard Disk
‧中度硬碟異聲 Hard Disk Noise
‧中度磁片磨損 Media Defect Error
‧中度硬碟鎖死 HDD Lock
‧硬碟控制電路系統中度故障 PCBA Component Damage、Host Adapter Connection Failure
‧中度硬碟馬達不轉 Spindle Motor Not Start
‧中度硬碟無法讀寫 Read / Write Heads Crash
嚴重受損>>NT$: 30,000 ~ 40,000 多
Logical Damage
‧誤刪除大量資料 Delete Big Volumes Data
‧誤覆蓋大量資料區 Overwrite Big Volumes Data Area
‧不明原因遺失大量資料 Lost Volumes Of Data
‧Windows FAT, NTFS, Mac OS HFS, Linux ext2,3,4,XFS…檔案系統損毀 (Partition Table,File Allocation Table, Master File Table, Super Blocks, LVM Logical Volume, Root, Data Area Structures…Crash)
‧SQL mdf 重度受損
‧VMWare Image File Crash
‧硬碟磁片伺服訊號中度受損 Servo Pattern Damage
‧硬碟控制韌體中度受損 Firmware Problem
‧硬碟安全保護系統中度受損 Security System Error
Physical Damage
‧硬碟嚴重摔到 Hard Disk Crash
‧硬碟嚴重異聲 Hard Disk Noise
‧磁片嚴重磨損 Media Defect Error
‧硬碟嚴重鎖死 Hard Disk Lock
‧硬碟控制電路系統嚴重故障 PCBA Component Damage、Host Adapter Connection Failure
‧硬碟馬達嚴重卡死 Spindle Motor Not Start
‧硬碟磁片伺服訊號嚴重磨損 Servo Pattern Damage
‧硬碟控制韌體嚴重受損 Firmware Problem
‧硬碟安全防護嚴重損毀 Security System Error